Monday, September 17, 2012
Dose of Hope 2
My mom is inspired. A few months ago she decided she would send a verse of scripture each month for us to memorize with our boys. I thought it was a good idea, and I thought it was mostly for the kids. But the third month she sent
"Wherefore be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great." (Doctrine and Covenants 64:33)
One day as we were reading it together and various members of my family were reciting this (some with help), I began to weep because suddenly the words were for me. I hope you've had this happen to you because while it can be extremely humbling, it also brings hope and this feeling that you are not not not alone. And I realized/remembered that this thing I'm doing right now, this growing a baby thing, is important to Heavenly Father. This sickness day after day after day is laying the foundation, somehow, for this new person's mortal life. My body and even sometimes my mind are being taken over because for some reason it's necessary, not just to torment me or make me wonder if God wants me to be miserable.
But I think it was the "small things" part that really got me. I had been looking online at various pregnancy sites and seen places where it told me my baby was the size of a sesame seed, blueberry, kidney bean. Small thing. How difficult a pregnancy would I be cheerfully, unwearyingly enduring if I could see the great baby, child, person, lifetime that would come from the sesame seed I carry? Out of small things proceedeth that which is great. And I thought of the verse in a new way because suddenly I knew that God is not calling our efforts or sacrifices small. He knows how big they are to us. But anything truly great starts small. Sometimes very small.
I can't say I've never gotten weary since then. I can't say I'm cheerfully enduring the sickness here. I've never been good at cheerfully enduring anything, though I do still try. I can only say that those two sentences gave me a little hope that day.
So thanks, Mom, for sending it without knowing exactly why it needed to be this verse.