I've been wondering for a while what it is I intended to do when I decided to start this blog. One friend, who noticed the blog's appearance but its continued lack of posts, chided me. She noted the irony: an empty blog about faith. What was I trying to say, she wanted to know.
And since then, I've been asking myself the same question. What is it I want to say? What do I want people to know about my beliefs? Why am I afraid to write anything here? How long am I going to wait before I start posting? Until I have the perfect thing to say?
As a writer, I have never functioned well that way. When I complained about not knowing how to go about writing something, my mother would always say, "Just start writing." How I hated that, but it worked. And so, as much as I'm not sure how to begin or what I want to say or how religious and/or preachy and/or crazy mormon-ish I will come across, I just have to start. A leap of faith, if you will please excuse the atrocious cliche.